Metals and Non-Metals Class 10 MCQ Quiz – Test Your Knowledge!

Do you know why metals conduct electricity but non-metals don’t? Test your knowledge of Metals and Non-Metals with this interactive Class 10 Science MCQ Quiz! These questions are based on NCERT and CBSE syllabus, helping you prepare effectively for exams. Let’s see how well you score!

Chapter 3: Metals and Non-Metals

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Shown below is a container that is used in the transportation of goods over long distances.

Shown below is a container that is used in the transportation of goods over long distances

These containers are made of steel. Which property of steel is mainly used to make these containers?

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On adding dilute sulphuric acid to a test tube containing a metal ‘X’, a colourless gas is produced when a burning match stick is brought near it. Which of the following correctly represents metal ‘X’?

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What happens when calcium is treated with water?

    1. It does not react with water

    1. It reacts violently with water

    1. It reacts less violently with water

    1. Bubbles of hydrogen gas formed stick to the surface of the calcium

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A piece of zinc (Zn) – a reactive metal – was dropped into a test tube containing a substance. A zinc salt was formed and hydrogen gas was liberated. This is shown in the equation below.

Zn + _____ → zinc salt + H2 gas

Which of the following can be the substance that zinc was dropped into?

    1. Water

    1. Hydrochloric acid

    1. A solution of zinc salt

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Which one of the following metals does not react with cold as well as hot water?

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During the electrolytic refining of copper what happens at the anode?

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Sodium comes after potassium in the reactivity series, so sodium is _____.

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An element with atomic number_____ will form a basic oxide.

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The electronic configurations of three elements X, Y, and Z are

X – 2, 8; Y – 2, 8, 7 and Z – 2, 8, 2.

Which of the following is correct?

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The colour of the solution observed after 30 minutes of placing zinc metal to copper sulphate solution is

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The metal X does not react with cold water but floats on hot water with the formation of colorless bubbles. Which of the following represents metal X.

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2 mL each of concentrated HCl, HNO3, and a mixture of concentrated HCl and concentrated HNO3 in the ratio of 3:1 were taken in test tubes labeled as A, B, and C. A small piece of metal was put in each test tube. No change occurred in test tubes A and B but the metal got dissolved in test tube C respectively. The metal could be

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Which one of the following correctly represents Sodium oxide?

metals and non-metals class 10 extra questions answers

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1Nish100 %2 minutes 13 seconds15
2Shivanu100 %6 minutes 16 seconds15
3SOLO Sikoa93 %3 minutes 55 seconds14
4Nishita93 %5 minutes 36 seconds14
5Pritam90 %16 minutes 6 seconds36
6Rakesh87 %3 minutes 52 seconds13
7AG87 %5 minutes 9 seconds13
8Mohit87 %6 minutes 14 seconds13
9Snehal87 %6 minutes 20 seconds13
10priya87 %6 minutes 45 seconds13
11Aarav87 %6 minutes 47 seconds13
12Ahana87 %7 minutes 58 seconds13
13h80 %4 minutes 8 seconds12
14Sujal Gore80 %4 minutes 47 seconds12
15Raj80 %6 minutes 25 seconds12
16Anshu80 %7 minutes 18 seconds12
17Deepti80 %10 minutes 15 seconds12
18I80 %11 minutes 29 seconds12
19Priya73 %4 minutes 27 seconds11
20jav73 %5 minutes 34 seconds11
21Naveen73 %5 minutes 35 seconds11
22Kriti73 %5 minutes 39 seconds11
23Shivanu73 %7 minutes 54 seconds11
24Akshara73 %8 minutes 25 seconds11
25Fardeeen73 %8 minutes 35 seconds11
26Shavu73 %8 minutes 49 seconds11
27Akshara73 %9 minutes 32 seconds11
28fsdhb73 %10 minutes 23 seconds11
29divyanshi70 %17 minutes 55 seconds28
30your dad68 %24 minutes 10 seconds27
31Aditya67 %5 minutes 35 seconds10
32Saba67 %6 minutes 21 seconds10
33Aradhana67 %6 minutes 46 seconds10
34Pradnya67 %8 minutes 24 seconds10
35Anisha kumari67 %11 minutes 57 seconds10
36Sanchita Gawade67 %15 minutes 39 seconds10
37PREM PRAKASH TUDU67 %1 hours 11 minutes 49 seconds10
38Anjali60 %1 minutes 33 seconds9
39Tripti60 %4 minutes 36 seconds9
40uttam60 %6 minutes 33 seconds9
41lostsoul60 %8 minutes 43 seconds9
4297%60 %8 minutes 48 seconds9
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44Harish60 %9 minutes 14 seconds9
45nicole60 %9 minutes 21 seconds9
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47Abc60 %16 minutes 9
48Ram55 %11 minutes 2 seconds22
49Arpita Agrawal53 %2 minutes 47 seconds8
50Harshini T53 %6 minutes 23 seconds8
51Kavita53 %6 minutes 27 seconds8
52Harshini53 %6 minutes 28 seconds8
53Priya53 %7 minutes 22 seconds8
54Next53 %7 minutes 27 seconds8
55Aditya53 %7 minutes 36 seconds8
56Icanbeatvarun53 %8 minutes 27 seconds8
57uttam sharma53 %8 minutes 50 seconds8
58Kriti53 %11 minutes 51 seconds8
59hana53 %13 minutes 20 seconds8
60Sapna Kumari47 %3 minutes 19 seconds7
61tia47 %5 minutes 38 seconds7
62Raunak47 %7 minutes 43 seconds7
63jhanvi47 %8 minutes 41 seconds7
64Miral47 %9 minutes 10 seconds7
65Ayush47 %9 minutes 25 seconds7
66Sahasra47 %9 minutes 58 seconds7
67Akarshak Kuri47 %11 minutes 50 seconds7
68Radhika sharma40 %2 minutes 15 seconds6
69Anjali40 %2 minutes 58 seconds6
70Varsha40 %3 minutes 6
71Arpita Agrawal40 %4 minutes 1 seconds6
72Poda potte40 %4 minutes 15 seconds6
73kk40 %5 minutes 11 seconds6
74Madhurima40 %9 minutes 30 seconds6
75Japreet kaur38 %8 minutes 4 seconds15
76Varun33 %4 minutes 15 seconds5
77Fardeen khan33 %10 minutes 1 seconds5
78Vaishnavi gau433 %12 minutes 8 seconds5
79Sung Jinwoo33 %18 minutes 27 seconds5
80Jhaanvi30 %21 minutes 11 seconds12
81Prajwal27 %1 minutes 49 seconds4
82Aashii27 %4 minutes 4 seconds4
83Achinthya27 %4 minutes 47 seconds4
84Shrashti27 %7 minutes 48 seconds4
85love20 %1 minutes 8 seconds3
86Nagaraj20 %1 minutes 29 seconds3
87Om20 %2 minutes 37 seconds3
88dhruvi20 %3 minutes 16 seconds3
89Ashmit20 %4 minutes 50 seconds3
90Sakshi20 %8 minutes 52 seconds3
91Radhika sharma13 %1 minutes 24 seconds2
See also  A Tiger in the Zoo Class 10 MCQ Quiz – Test Your Understanding!

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Covers NCERT-based MCQs
Helps in board exam preparation
Improves concept clarity
Leaderboard competition for engagement

Related Quizzes & Study Resources

👉 Acids, Bases and Salts MCQ Quiz
👉 NCERT Notes for Metals and Non-Metals

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