Important Questions and Answers on ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ Class 10

Welcome to our blog post dedicated to providing you with essential insights into "The Tale of Custard the Dragon," a poem featured in the Class 10 English curriculum. Authored by the renowned poet Ogden Nash, this whimsical poem captures the imagination of readers with its delightful narrative and memorable characters. As part of the First Flight book, students delve into the humorous yet profound tale of Custard the Dragon and his unexpected display of bravery. In addition to exploring the poem itself, we offer a comprehensive collection of extra questions and answers designed to deepen your understanding and preparation for exams. Whether you're revisiting the poem or encountering it for the first time, our blog aims to be your go-to resource. Plus, you can find a downloadable PDF version for convenient offline study. Let's embark on this literary journey together!

the tale of custard the dragon class 10 extra questions answers

SubjectEnglish Language & Literature
Chapter NameThe Tale of Custard the Dragon
TypeImportant/Extra Questions and Answers
Book NameFirst Flight

"You are only entitled to the action, never to its fruits."

- Bhagavad Gita

Q. No. 1) Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract.

Belinda giggled till she shook the house,
And Blink said Weeck! which is giggling for a mouse,
Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,
When Custard cried for a nice safe cage.
Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound,
And Mustard growled, and they all looked around.

i. What can you infer from the repetition ‘suddenly, suddenly’ in the above extract?

a) There was an immediate change in the scene.

b) It focuses on the hasty attack and the loud noise.

c) It emphasises that an unexpected noise was heard.

d) It draws our attention to the loud cry that occurred.

Ans. Option (c)

ii. A cage means captivity. Why is Custard inclined to remain in a cage despite what it symbolizes?

This is so because he viewed it as a

  1. sanctuary
  2. guardhouse
  3. cubicle
  4. refuge
  5. booth

a) 1, 2 & 5

b) 1 & 4

c) 3, 4 & 5

d) 3 & 5

Ans. Option (b)

iii. Why has the poet used the word ‘weeck’ to signify the giggling of the mouse?

The poet

a) uses it to add suspense in the poem.

b) has imagined how the mouse would sound in this mood.

c) has mocked at the mouse for giggling at Custard.

d) uses it to create a scary effect for readers.

Ans. Option (b)

iv. Pick the option with the correct matches for columns A and B.

1. chuckleA. to smile in a half-suppressed mocking way
2. sniggerB. to smile in an irritating, conceited manner.
3. smirkC. to let out a quiet and suppressed laugh.
D. to let out a laugh heartily and loudly

a) 1- D, 2-A, 3-C

b) 1-C, 2-A, 3-B

c) 1-B, 2-D, 3-C

d) 1-A, 2-C, 3-D

Ans. Option (b)

v. Which belief about dragons is in contrast to Custard’s behaviour in the extract.

a) Dragons are brave and feared.

b) Dragons can grant wishes.

c) Dragons can become invisible at will.

d) Dragons are soft-hearted and kind.

Ans. Option (a)

vi. A hyperbole is a literary device where the poet/writer/speaker purposely and obviously exaggerates to an extreme.

Choose the option that includes an example of hyperbole, from the extract.

a) And Mustard growled, and they all looked around

b) Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,

c) Belinda giggled till she shook the house,

d) When Custard cried for a nice safe cage.

Ans. Option (c)

Q. No. 2) Multiple Choice Questions based on an extract.

“Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,
And little mouse Blink strategically mouseholed.
But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,
Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm,
He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm”

i. Which option lists the quotes that support the ideas in the extract?

  1. Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends.
  2. If you’re brave enough to start, you’re strong enough to finish.
  3. Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.
  4. You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.
  5. Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is strong.

a) 1 and 5

b) 2, 3 and 4

c) 2 and 3

d) 1, 3 and 5

Ans. Option (c)

ii. What is the poet’s purpose of using the onomatopoeic words given in the extract?

a) It is to emphasize on the might and boldness of Custard.

b) It is to introduce the character Custard to the readers.

c) It is to impress upon the readers that Custard was ready.

d) It is to make Custard bold enough to face the situation.

Ans. Option (a)

iii. Pick an option that best fits the usage of the word’ trickled’ as used in the extract.

a) The water trickled down the tap and filled the trough.

b) Students trickled into the classroom as the teacher entered.

c) Tears trickled down her cheeks as she heard the sad news.

d) His enthusiasm for the task slowly trickled away.

Ans. Option (b)

iv. Select the option that fits with the reaction of the characters in the context of the extract.

Ink: terrified : : Blink : i)__________________

Pirate: ii) ______________:: Custard: undaunted

a) i) shocked ii) displeased

b) i) petrified ii) wondered

c) i) upset ii) dazed

d) i) petrified ii) shocked

Ans. Option (d)

v. ‘He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm. Why has this comparison been used here? Just like the robin catches the worm,

a) Custard attacked the pirate after careful observation.

b) Custard attacked the pirate without delay.

c) Custard attacked the pirate valourously.

d) Custard attacked the pirate stealthily.

Ans. Option (b)

vi. Pick the option that does not display a simile from the extract.

a) Clashed his tail like irons…

b) …at the pirate like a robin at a worm.

c) …Custard, snorting like an engine…

d) …trickled down to the bottom…

Ans. Option (d)

vii. The extract mentions ‘irons’ in dungeons. According to this extract, ‘irons’ is a reference to

a) iron racks for scared books.

b) iron cases housing treasures.

c) iron chains holding the prisoners captive.

d) iron coffins for burying the royal dead.

Ans. Option (c)

Q. No. 3) Who are the characters in this poem? List them with their pet names.

Ans. Characters in the poem and their pet names:

  • Belinda: The girl who lives in the little white house.
  • Ink: The little black kitten.
  • Blink: The little grey mouse.
  • Mustard: The little yellow dog.
  • Custard: The pet dragon, often called "cowardly."

Q. No. 4) State the reason you think the poet named the animals Ink, Blink, Mustard, and Custard.

Ans. The poet likely named the animals based on their colors and characteristics: Ink for black, Blink for quick movement, Mustard for a yellow dog, and Custard for a cowardly dragon.

Q. No. 5) Why did Custard cry for a nice safe cage? Why is the dragon called “cowardly dragon”?

Ans. Custard cried for a nice safe cage because he preferred safety and protection, unlike the other pets who claimed to be brave. Even though he had the appearance of a fearsome dragon, he felt insecure and fearful, always wanting a place where he could feel safe from danger.

Custard is called the “cowardly dragon” because, despite his large size, sharp teeth, and fearsome appearance, he often acted timid and afraid.

Q. No. 6) Custard humbly accepts that other animals are braver than him. Give a reason to support your stance that humility is a virtue worth possessing.

Ans. Humility allows individuals to acknowledge their limitations, fostering a willingness to learn, collaborate, and grow. It promotes empathy, respect, and genuine connections with others.

Q. No. 7) Why did Belinda tickle the dragon?

Ans. Belinda tickled Custard "unmerciful" because she and the other pets were teasing him for being a coward. Despite Custard's fierce appearance as a dragon, he was timid and often asked for a safe cage. Belinda tickled him playfully as part of their teasing, making fun of how scared and harmless he seemed, even though he looked powerful.

Q. No. 8) The poet has employed many poetic devices in the poem. For example:“Clashed his tail like iron in a dungeon” — the poetic device here is a simile. Can you, list some more such poetic devices used in the poem?

Ans. Simile:
“Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon”: Comparing the sound of Custard’s tail to the clanging of iron in a dungeon.
“Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears”: Comparing Belinda’s bravery to the fierceness of a group of bears.
“Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage”: Comparing Mustard's bravery to an angry tiger.

“Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound”: Repetition of the 's' sound.
“Giggled till she shook the house”: Repetition of the 'sh' sound.

“Realio, trulio”: Repeating similar-sounding words for emphasis and playful effect.
“Suddenly, suddenly”: Repeated to emphasize the quickness of the event.

“Clatter and clank”: Words that imitate the sound of metal clashing.
“Weeck!”: The sound of Blink the mouse giggling, imitating the sound a mouse might make.

“Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs”: Giving human-like bravery to the kitten and mouse, as they are described doing something unlikely for small animals.
“Chased lions down the stairs”: An exaggerated statement to humorously describe Ink and Blink’s supposed bravery.

Q. No. 9) How does Ogden Nash's The Tale of Custard the Dragon, challenge the notion that individuals should conform to societal expectations?

Ans. Ogden Nash's "Tale of Custard the Dragon" can be interpreted as a subversion of societal expectations.

  • presents Belinda as a brave and independent female character ( described as brave as a barrel full of bears, a trait that is stereotypically associated with masculinity), while the male characters (Ink, Blink, Mustard) are portrayed as weaker and less courageous
  • actions of Ink, Blink, Mustard seem motivated by fear of social judgment and ridicule - of being perceived as weak- while Custard is unafraid of crying for a nice safe cage
  • when faced with danger, Custard, the dragon, labelled a coward, is the one who steps up to defend Belinda and her household, while Ink, Blink, and Mustard flee or hide - finds the courage to protect those he cares about

The poem promotes the idea that everyone has unique talents and abilities, and should be encouraged to pursue their passions and strengths, at their pace, rather than conforming to societal expectations or stereotypes.

Q. No. 10) The usage of words like ‘realio trulio’ creates a wonderful poetic effect. How?

Ans. Words like "realio trulio" create a whimsical, playful tone in the poem, enhancing its imaginative quality and captivating the reader's attention with unique language.

Q. No. 11) Give one reason why ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ is more a fable than a ballad.

Ans. One reason why "The Tale of Custard the Dragon" is more of a fable than a ballad is that it teaches a moral lesson. While both fables and ballads are narrative poems, fables typically emphasize a moral or teaching, while ballads often focus on storytelling and entertainment. In "The Tale of Custard the Dragon," the underlying message is that bravery isn’t about boasting but about taking action when it matters.
In contrast, ballads typically tell stories of heroism or adventure, but without necessarily having a moral lesson. This focus on a moral makes the poem more like a fable.

Q. No. 12) Do you find The Tale of Custard the Dragon to be a serious or a light-hearted poem? Give reasons to support your answer.

Ans. "The Tale of Custard the Dragon" is a light-hearted poem, and here are the reasons why:

  • Humorous Tone: The poem is filled with humor, especially in how the characters are described.
  • Exaggeration and Irony: The poet uses exaggeration, such as when Ink and Blink are said to chase lions down the stairs. This is clearly not possible, but it adds a comical element to the poem. The irony is that the pets who claim to be brave act cowardly, while Custard, who is mocked as a coward, ends up saving everyone. This twist makes the poem light and amusing.
  • Rhyming and Repetition: The rhyme scheme and repetitive phrases like “realio, trulio” give the poem a playful rhythm, making it feel more like a fun, sing-song story rather than a serious one.
  • Playful Characters: The characters themselves are described in an exaggerated, almost cartoonish way, which keeps the poem from being serious.

Q. No. 13) Describe how Custard’s reaction was different from that of others, on seeing the pirate?


  • Custard was always teased as being the cowardly one, by all others
  • When the pirate arrived, others ran away to hide
  • Custard was the only one who stood up to fight with him/who attacked him.

Q. No. 14) Why is it fair to say that Custard could be the ‘poster-boy’ for the belief that the real nature of a person is revealed at times of the greatest difficulty?

Ans. Custard's initial cowardice contrasts with his bravery in confronting the pirate. This transformation highlights how adversity can unveil hidden strengths within individuals, demonstrating that one's true character emerges when faced with significant challenges, as seen in Custard's courageous act.

Q. No. 15) A ballad includes the telling of a tale as well as a surprise ending. Using evidence from the poem, explain how these features are included in ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’.


  • Tale: The poem tells the story of Custard, the dragon (setting, characters, rising action, climax, resolution).
  • portrays his life with Belinda and the other pets where he is considered a coward
  • Surprise ending: The end of the poem shows how Custard rose to the occasion; gobbled the pirate and proved his bravery.

Q. No. 16) The poet could have included a burglar or an intruder in the poem, but chose to include a pirate. Explain this choice.

Ans. The inclusion of a pirate adds to the poem's adventurous and fantastical atmosphere. Pirates are iconic figures associated with daring and danger, enhancing the excitement of the narrative. Additionally, the pirate's appearance allows for a dramatic confrontation, showcasing Custard's unexpected bravery in a whimsical context.

Q. No. 17) Belinda shares a post on Instagram with the following hashtags #Ink#Blink#Mustard#Bravehearts#My family#My world#

She doesn’t mention Custard in her post.

As a friend of Belinda, what would be your advice to her and why?

Ans. I would advise Belinda to include Custard in her Instagram post to show appreciation for all her pets equally. Excluding Custard may inadvertently hurt his feelings and make him feel left out. Including him reinforces the bond of their pet family and fosters a sense of belonging for Custard.

Q. No. 18) The poem is a light-hearted ballad with a powerful message. If the poem was written in any other style, do you think it would have created the same effect on readers?

Justify your response with reason(s).

Ans. No, the light-hearted ballad style of the poem perfectly complements its whimsical and fantastical elements. A different style, such as a serious narrative or a formal structure, would likely diminish the charm and impact of the poem, as it relies on its playful tone to convey its message effectively.

Q. No. 19) Imagine that Custard writes a blog on ‘Overcoming fears’.

A part of the blog focuses on ways to overcome the fears within.

As Custard, write this part of the blog.

You may proceed like this:

While we agree that fear is like a big monster that resides within us. This monster shall continue to overpower us if we do not overpower it. To begin with, ……

Ans. While we agree that fear is like a big monster that resides within us, this monster shall continue to overpower us if we do not overpower it. To begin with, acknowledge your fears and understand their roots. Then, confront them gradually, step by step, rather than avoiding them altogether. Surround yourself with supportive friends like Belinda and her pets. Remember, bravery is not the absence of fear but the courage to face it.

Q. No. 20) Blowing one’s trumpet is a well-known idiom.

Disagree with a friend’s opinion in the context of this idiom.

Friend: It’s important to recount your achievements whenever there’s an opportunity. People need to know about your qualities, accomplishments and awards. Always project yourself as superior.

You: Gosh! I disagree. What’s the point blowing one’s own trumpet? You see, …………………………………………………………………………(continue).

Ans. Gosh! I disagree. What's the point of blowing one's own trumpet? You see, true recognition comes from others acknowledging your merits organically. Constantly boasting about oneself can come off as arrogant and insincere. Humility and letting actions speak for themselves often garner more genuine respect and admiration.

Q. No. 21) Custard was discriminated against, bullied and made fun of.

Such behaviour often has a disastrous impact on the victims and etches a permanent scar on their minds.

Write opinions of Wanda and Mandela on this issue.

Wanda: In my personal opinion, ……………………………….(continue)

Nelson Mandela: I strongly believe that…………………….(continue)


Wanda: In my personal opinion, the mistreatment of Custard reflects a lack of empathy and understanding. Bullying and discrimination can deeply wound individuals, leading to lasting emotional trauma. It's crucial for society to foster an environment of acceptance and kindness, where everyone feels valued and respected regardless of their differences.

Nelson Mandela: I strongly believe that discrimination and bullying have no place in a civilized society. As I fought against apartheid in South Africa, I witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of oppression and intolerance. We must strive for a world where every individual, regardless of their differences, is treated with dignity and respect. By promoting equality and embracing diversity, we can build a brighter future based on mutual understanding and cooperation.

Q. No. 22) Being impressed by Custard’s feat, the young seagull’s sister wrote a letter to Custard seeking advice on addressing the situation with her young brother. Write Custard’s response to this letter. Base the advice from his experiences.

You may begin like this:

Dear Ms. Seagull

Thank you for seeking me out. I’m humbled. Based on my limited experiences, I feel…


Dear Ms. Seagull,

Thank you for seeking me out. I'm humbled. Based on my limited experiences, I feel it's essential to approach your brother with kindness and understanding. Share with him how my own journey taught me that bravery isn't about never feeling fear but about facing it despite being scared. Encourage him to embrace his fears as opportunities for growth and to believe in himself. Remind him that his worth isn't defined by others' opinions but by his own courage and resilience. Encourage him to focus on his strengths and achievements, no matter how small, and to surround himself with supportive individuals like yourself.

Warm regards,

Q. No. 23) Custard though mocked for his cowardice, displayed courage and was the one who saved the day in the end.

Pick a character from any of the units (lessons/poems) in First Flight, who displayed similar characteristics, like Custard and overcame a troubling issue?

What similarities and differences do you find between the character and Custard?

Ans. A character from the "First Flight" textbook who displayed similar characteristics to Custard is the protagonist in the story "A Letter to God" by G. L. Fuentes.


  1. Both Custard and the protagonist face mockery and ridicule from others. Custard is teased for being cowardly, while the protagonist is ridiculed for his faith in God.
  2. Despite the mocking, both characters display unexpected courage and resilience when faced with a challenging situation. Custard saves the day by confronting the pirate, while the protagonist in "A Letter to God" remains steadfast in his belief after his crops are destroyed by a hailstorm.


  1. Custard's cowardice is initially evident, while the protagonist in "A Letter to God" is characterized by his unwavering faith.
  2. Custard's bravery emerges suddenly, while the protagonist's resilience is evident throughout the story.
  3. Custard's bravery is physical, while the protagonist's resilience is more spiritual and emotional.

Despite these differences, both characters exemplify the theme of overcoming adversity and defying expectations in their respective stories.

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Class 10 Important Questions

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